Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh My....

What a rough week this starting out to be! It's very wet and icky in Northern Georgia....and having to be up at 5:30 every morning for my internship is really starting to wear on me. Just gotta keep smiling! If I can do that I should be fine. Graduation is getting closer every day!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Future is an Opaque Mirror

Another little addition soon to be listed in my Etsy shop! Click Here to go to my store.
Hope ya'll have a great weekend!

Milk glass Compote Dish by BRODY CO.

Dimpled and Textured <3

Courtesy is a Silver Lining

A few items I am adding to my Etsy shop. The silver pieces were so tarnished when I found them! After the intial rescue, I gave them a good Tarnex bath and was pleasantly surprised at how beautiful they came out. Check them out at my store here 
(coming soon)

WM Rogers Silverplate

Makes a pretty accent piece.

SF Co. Adjustable Trivet

SF Co. Adjustable Trivet (extended)

Grow Your Mind

I've been on a reading spree lately. I am one of those people you can easily find sitting on the floor in the library, completely absorbed in a book. This month's books have been centered around Gardening. I've always wanted to have green thumb! Maria Finn's book "A little Piece of Earth" makes gardening seem a little less complicated and whole lot more fun.

You'll love this little book. The author has a very enjoyable writing style and I laughed multiple times during my peruse through it's pages. Laughing over a gardening book?? You'll know what I mean once you pick this little jewel up.
You can visit the author Maria Finn's website Here

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Accidental Infatuation...

You never know what you'll get with Georgia weather. In fact we just had a major blizzard (well for us it seemed like one) and I was left shivering in my canvas converse, with snow seeping through and soaking my poor socks. Not a smart move on my part. That experience left me wishing for another pair of boots I could wear through the rest of the winter. I accidentally found these while clicking through my email this morning:

                                           DSW Matisse Lancer Bootie - $149.95

There is just something about the wide cuff at the top, along with the distressed look of the leather that just makes me happy....functional and lovely right?...Anyways you can find these here

Welcome to my Blog! It's the first post and I am excited  to get started. I'll be blogging about everything that inspires me, including antique finds that I pick up during my lunchbreaks, fellow bloggers, and anything pretty I come across in my crazy life. Please feel free to leave comments and links!